Comprised of Alaska, NW Canadian provinces, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and western states of Mexico. Western Chapter encompasses an area with more physician-pilots than other FPA chapters and has the potential of becoming the largest chapter. Meetings held in the area included Las Vegas, San Diego, Ojai Valley, Sun River, Monterrey, Paso Robles and Sun Valley to name a few. Combined meetings have been held with the Southwest Chapter in Ruidoso NM, at the AOPA Summit in Ft. Worth TX, Bentonville AR, Albuquerque NM Balloon Fest, Durango, CO, Las Vegas NV, and Santa Fe NM.
| Chapter President and BOD VP: TBA FPA Board of Directors Member: Michael Lam, MD (Los Altos Hills, CA) Western Chapter members and potential members are invited to participate in the chapter blog, helping to shape interesting meetings and fly-outs. Add your thoughts and recommendations. We reside in one of the most beautiful and diverse areas of the USA. Let's plan some social and CME activities around HAVE PLANE, WILL FLY!