Constitution & Bylaws
Article I
Article II
PurposesArticle III
l. Regular: Physicians (M.D. or D.O.) who hold or have held a valid pilot certificate.
2. Life: Those otherwise Regular members who have paid a lump sum entitling said members to all of the privileges of the Association for the remainder of their lives.
3. Emeritus: Those Regular Members who are fully retired from the practice of medicine.
4. Exempt: Those Regular Members who are disabled or suffering financial hardship. Exempt status requires Board of Directors approval.
5. Associate includes:
6. Corporate: Corporations who wish to fully support the purposes of the FPA
7. Honorary: Individuals who may be appointed by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of a Regular, Life or Emeritus member.
l. Regular, Life, Exempt, and Emeritus members in good standing may vote and hold office.
2. To be a member in good standing, he/she shall be current in dues and assessments.
Any member engaging in activities contrary to the best interests of or inimical to the principles of the Association may be expelled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Article IV
The President Elect, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint five members, one from each regional chapter, to serve on the Nominating Committee. No more than two of these members may have served on the previous year's Nominating Committee. The Immediate Past President shall serve as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for officers and Directors and file such slate with the Secretary of the Association and the Executive Vice President at least 30 days prior to the first Board of Directors meeting of the calendar year. The BOD shall consider the slate for approval and direct the Executive Vice-President to publish the slate in the next issue of the Bulletin and The FLYING PHYSICIAN magazine.
Election of Officers and Directors shall be by written or electronic ballot cast by Regular Members in good standing, Life, Emeritus, and Exempt Members. A plurality of the votes cast shall be necessary for the election of any officer or director. The BOD shall be empowered to enact specific voting rules and procedures should unforeseen election circumstances arise. The official time of change of office for the Officers, Directors, and Nominating Committee is the conclusion of the ABM, but the incumbent Officers shall continue to officiate at other educational and social events during the Annual Meeting until its formal conclusion.
Article V
The Annual Business Meeting of the Association shall be held each year at the discretion of the Board of Directors between June 1st and September 30th. Quorum: The number of Regular, Life, and Emeritus members attending the business meeting shall constitute a quorum. The time and place of the meeting shall be decided by the BOD upon the recommendation of the Secretary at least twelve (12) months prior to its convening. The time and place of the AM/ABM will be communicated to all members at least six (6) months in advance; such notice will be placed in the Bulletin.
a. The Board will meet at least two (2) times each year b. Other Association members may attend the BOD meeting c. At least sixty (60) days advance notice should be given to the Board members. d. Executive sessions of the Board are open to Board members only
a. A Special Meeting of the BOD may be called by the President when he/she deems it necessary. b. Notice of such meeting shall be mailed or emailed to all members at their addresses as they appear on the most recent membership roll at least ten (10) days before the scheduled date and shall state the purpose of the meeting and the business to be transacted. c. At the request of six members of the Board of Directors or seventy-five (75) members of the Association, the President shall cause a special meeting to be called but such requests must be made in writing at least thirty (30) days before the requested scheduled date. No other business but that specified in the notice may be transacted at the special meeting without the unanimous consent of all present at the meeting. Fifty (50) percent of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Roll Call Read of Minutes of preceding meeting Reports of Officers and Committees Old - unfinished Business New Business Communications Announcements Adjournment
Article VI
The BOD shall exercise overall responsibility for all business and affairs of the Association. The BOD and its Officers shall have fiduciary responsibility to the Association. The BOD shall direct that a routine audit of the Association's finances be conducted at least every three years. The BOD shall make such rules and regulations, as it may deem necessary for the proper conduct of its meetings. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by vote of the remaining members for a period coincident with the remainder of the term vacated. No member of the Board of Directors may hold two offices at any one time.
There shall be a minimum of ten (10), and a maximum of sixteen (16) Directors.
a. Each Director shall have a term of three (3) years. b. Each Director shall have one vote, and such voting may not be done by proxy. The President, Immediate Past-President, President Elect, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary are ex-officio voting members of the Board. The Executive Vice-President and the Editor of the FPA publication The Flying Physician are ex-officio non-voting members of the Board. The President of the Association, by virtue of his office, shall be Chairman of the Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of the Executive Vice President to record and prepare the minutes for dissemination and archiving.
1. A Director, or any other member of the governing body, may be removed for sufficient cause; such action shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the BOD. If a member of the BOD is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings of the BOD, his/her name shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee (EC) by the Executive Vice President; the Executive Committee shall examine the reason for the absences, and if necessary, make a recommendation to the full BOD that the member be removed for cause.
Article VII
l. General - Chief Administrative Officer
a. He/she is the Chairman of the Board of Directors b. Presides at all Board of Directors, Executive Committee and annual business meetings.
2. Reports
a. To the annual business meeting of the Association on the state of the organization. b. To meetings of the Board of Directors on the activities of the organization.
3. Appointments
a. Committee Chairpersons, except for the Nominating Committee. b. A Parliamentarian and/or Sergeant-at-Arms for each meeting of the BOD.
4. The President shall be one of the Officers authorized to sign checks for the Association.
a. He/she shall serve with all of the authority of the President until the un-expired term ends. b. If he/she is unable to serve, the President Elect shall assume the office, shall finish the un-expired term, and carry over into his/her own elected term.
1. The President Elect shall assume the office of President at the close of the annual business meeting the year following his/her election as President Elect. In the case of the death, resignation, or inability to serve of the President Elect, the Nominating Committee shall immediately submit names of Presidential candidates to the BOD. The Secretary will then notify the membership, and provide a written ballot prior to the next annual business meeting, time permitting; should time be insufficient, the election shall occur at the upcoming annual business meeting.
The Secretary shall be the official custodian of the records and seal of the Association, attend to all Association correspondence, and shall keep the minutes and records current. He/she shall file all notices to members of the Association He/she may be one of the Officers designated to sign checks and drafts of the Association.
l. The Treasurer shall be charged with the care and custody of all the Association's monies, and shall be responsible for such monies and securities.
2. Reports
a. The Treasurer shall render to the BOD written financial reports at regularly scheduled meetings of the BOD, and at other times as determined by the BOD; these reports will be appended to the minutes of the meeting. b. He/she shall report to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting a general report of the Association's financial status if requested by either the BOD or any member, and be prepared to respond to questions from the membership.
3. Disbursement of funds
a. All checks written for the Association exceeding a predetermined amount shall be signed by the Treasurer, plus one other Officer designated by the BOD; the threshold amount will be determined by the BOD and revised as needed.
l. Number - Five (5), one appointed or elected from each Regional Chapter
1. General
a. He/she shall serve at the pleasure of the BOD and under its direction by contract. b. Remuneration - A salary and performance review by the BOD will occur annually.
2. Duties
a. He/she shall maintain offices for the Association; included among his/her tasks are to process membership applications and renewals, handle routine correspondence, maintain a current membership roster, publish the Bulletin and magazine, and act as a clearinghouse for the activities of the Association. b. He/she shall pay bills and process receivables. c. He/she may be one of the Officers designated to sign checks and drafts of the Association. d. He/she shall exercise control of all operational functions of the Association. e. He/she shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and general membership. f. He/she will work closely with the EC, especially the President and Treasurer.
Article VIII
A. The BOD shall hire and fix the compensation of the Executive Vice-President, who shall in turn hire and fix the compensation of all other employees which he/she deem to be necessary to properly conduct the business of the Association, subject to Executive Committee approval.
C. Stipends
Article IX
a. Consists of five (5) voting members: President, Immediate Past-President, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer;the President is the Chairperson. b. It shall advise the BOD on matters of Association policy and activity. c. It shall act as necessary between meetings of the BOD on major and time-sensitive matters when time and logistics make BOD action unfeasible. Meetings
i. Quorum is three (3) with a majority of the quorum needed for action. ii. The EC shall meet on a scheduled basis within 12-48 hours prior to any scheduled meeting of the BOD and at the same location as the BOD. III. The EC may also meet at the call of the President; these meetings need not occur at one geographical location, but may be accomplished electronically (e-mail, phone, FAX) or by mail.
l. The President shall be allowed a stipend during his/her tenure in office for properly documented personal and travel expenses related to the activities of that office. The amount of said stipend shall be $6000.00; however, the BOD shallhave the option to adjust this amount from time to time as deemed necessary.
2. Committee Chairpersons shall be authorized to receive reimbursement for documented expenses when requested, but only in an amount approved by the EC.
3. The offices ofSecretary and Treasurer shall be authorized to receive reimbursement for documented expenses when requested, but only in amount approved by the EC.
D. The BOD shall audit and approve editorial expenses on a regular and ongoing basis.
Article X
DuesArticle XI
Article XII
Regional Chapters
Article XIII
Article XIV
Parliamentary Procedure
Article XV