Individual Voting Membership Categories and Definitions
FPA Membership is open to physicians (M.D. or D. O.) who are or have been licensed pilots and are/were in good standing when last licensed to practice medicine. New members are eligible for a 50% discount on their first meeting registration fee.
Voting membership categories:
REGULAR: $300.00 Annually
Physicians who hold or have held a valid pilot certificate
MILITARY: $225.00 Annually
LIFE: Calculated on individual basis
Regular member who pays a lump sum entitling him/her to FPA privileges for life.
EMERITUS: $180 Annually
Regular members who are fully retired from the practice of medicine.
EXEMPT: $0 Annually
Regular members who are disabled or suffering financial hardship. Exempt status requires Board of Directors approval.
Non-Voting Membership Categories and Definitions:
$125 - Physicians who are not pilots and wish to support the purposes of FPA (including Fellows, Residents, Interns)
$125 - Aviation Medical Examiners who are not pilots
$40 - Medical students who are certified pilots*
$0 - Individuals appointed by the Board of Directors by recommendation of a Regular, Life or Emeritus member.
*MEDICAL STUDENT: $40 administrative fee first year dues must be accompanied by a letter of attestation on letterhead from contact in medical school administration confirming status of individual in good standing and expected date of completion of medical school training. Renewal rate is $40 annually.